Five-year Anniversary Commemorative Brand and Collateral + Brand Refresh 2017
Hight worked with COMET Auckland (https://cometauckland.org.nz/) in 2017 to develop a special look and feel for their 5-year anniversary booklet and annual report for that year. Deliverables were a commemorative booklet and an annual report encased in a bespoke folder. As part of this project, Hight developed a 5-year anniversary logo and bespoke font.
The special 5-year anniversary logo became the inspiration for an entire brand refresh for the organisation the following year.

Five-year Anniversary Commemorative Brand and Collateral
The brief: Central to the brief for this project was the Whakatauākī (see below) of Te Hononga Akoranga COMET Auckland. The concept of weaving together strands of knowledge from diverse sources to form a tapestry of understanding is a fundamental basis for developing and implementing COMET’s programmes. This tapestry is not static but is in a state of constant process. Some stitches will be dropped and new knowledge woven in. This weaving together also represents COMET’s fundamental philosophy of inclusion, the bringing together of diverse ideas from diverse corners of the Auckland community to solve problems in the community education space.
COMET Auckland’s Whakatauākī
He Whakatauākī
E kore e taea e te whenu Kotahi (The tapestry of understanding)
ki te raranga i te whāriki (cannot be woven)
kia mōhio tātou kiā tātou. (by one strand alone.)
Mā te mahi tahi ō ngā whenu, (only by the working together of strands,)
mā te mahi tahi ō ngā kairaranga, (and the working together of weavers,)
ka oti tēnei whāriki, (will such a tapestry be completed.)
I te oting a (with its completion)
me titiro tātou ki ngā mea pai ka puta mai, (let us look at the good that comes from it.)
Ā tana wā, (And, in time,)
me titiro hoki, (we should also look)
ki ngā raranga i makere, (at those stitches which have been dropped,)
nā te mea, he kōrero ano kei reira, (because they also have a message.)

Design response: Hight felt that the concept of bringing strands of knowledge together in a woven tapestry could be represented using structured lines flowing together to form numbers and letters. Five lines were chosen as the basis for the design to indicate the number of years being celebrated.
This developed into the creation of a bespoke font (see above) that was used as a basis for the design of the 5-year commemorative booklet, annual report and folder. Other evocative patterns were also developed using this basic five-line motif. Importantly this five-line motif formed that basis of the 5-year logo for this work and informed the brand refresh that was to come the following year.

The designs were well received by the client and stimulated a conversation around using the 5-year brand as the basis for a refreshed logo for Te Hononga Akoranga COMET Auckland.
This was accomplished by removing the number ‘5’ from the lockup and simplifying the Te Hononga Akoranga. The client appreciated the simplification of the brand that made it more contemporary and raised the visibility of the te reo name.

Brand Refresh

Brand Rollout
The new brand applied across all corporate collateral, including wall signage, internal window decals, business cards, letterhead, compliments slip, document covers, powerpoint template and website. The comprehensive brand guidelines were prepared that included cobranding with COMET’s major programmes and sub brands for their minor programmes.